Friday, November 13, 2015

Today is Friday and I'm in my last class for this week. This week was very fast week,but i get lost of benefits from this week such as,I learned a lot of new grammar and vocabulary. The most thing that I am worry about right new is where I am going to spend my weekend because I still without plan until naw. Maybe i am going to do some shopping this weekend but I think if I wait a few days and i go shopping in the black friday is going to be better because i am going to save alot of money.the problem is black friday is going to be very .

Thursday, November 12, 2015

yesterday was very boring day for me because I stayed all the day at home and I didn't do anything. Yesterday was boring because the weather was very bad, it was raining since the morning until night . I just went to school and after that I came back to home. After that, I did my homework and then I watched a movie. The movie that I watched was also boring.Yesterday was the worst day for me in this week because I hadn't any thing to is going today and I hope to have a good day not like yesterday.